Please help this go viral - The next World Wonder

2 years ago

This is simple. I'm not going to complicate this with a bunch of extra wordage just for the sake of making it look pretty or whatever.

1. Do you want clean, free energy for yourself and others?
2. Do you want freedom in regards to having decentralized energy?
(meaning companies won't have control over things like price gauging, shutting off power or limiting power in some way, for example, a power company or even the government decides that you are using too much energy, so the power allotted to you is now cut in half, or a quarter.)
3. Do you want to be a part of something legendary?
(This project is the next Wonder of the World.)

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then donate $1.00 or more toward the creation of the 100x100 mile solar energy farm. The 8th Wonder of the World. If you can't donate anything then share this video with someone you know. Spread the word. The donated money will go to Elon Musk for the use of making enough 100x100 mile solar energy farms to power the entire world.

Link to Elon Musk videos explaining the following
Elon Musk explains climate change:
Elon Musk's thoughts on Renewable Energy:
Elon Musk's thoughts on using solar power for dense cities:
Elon Musk's idea for making solar panels around nuclear plants:
Elon Musk on the Power of the Sun and what we can do with it:

Fundraising Websites you can donate on


There is no denying the corrupt agendas of control and greed that runs rampant within governments, federal reserve, central banks, banks, corporations, WEF, WHO, and the list goes on. Do you want these corrupt organizations, systems, and people dictating the future of humanity?

-Check out their track records.
-How do the current situations/conditions look?
-What are their solutions?
-Follow the money trail, connections and where it is spent.
-Look into their proposed plans for the future.

It's embarrassing, pathetic, and disgraceful when you look into it.

These so-called leaders and people in high positions of power are supposed to be the best of the best? They absolutely and disgracefully get jack shit done, and the shit they get done sucks. Getting them richer and more powerful while "we the people" get screwed.

This has been happening for far too long, and the time has come for it to end. That time is now. That time is now.

One of the first steps to removing ourselves from the corrupt systems is by creating parallel systems ingrained in freedom, honesty, and integrity.

The first parallel system on that list is a free, decentralized energy system that is not dependent on corrupt entities that could potentially limit our freedoms.

So that is exactly what this is. An energy system that is designed to be decentralized and available to everyone in the world.

Like it's really simple, either you want this, or you don't. Either you want a clean, free, decentralized, corrupt-less energy system, or you don't. If you do, then make some sort of effort to make it happen. Just one dollar will make a difference, even sharing will make a difference. Be part of the solution, the creation, the magic.

This is how "we the people" restore integrity, honesty, and freedom to our systems.

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