Here’s how to always have energy for your day!

2 years ago

You know those to-do lists of yours – the ones that you can never get done?

Well, today we’re going to dig into the brain science behind those not-crossed-off tasks and figure out what’s causing the problem, what you can do about it, and how to keep that from ever happening again in your planning life.

What you’ll learn:
• Did you know that your brain is naturally “on” for roughly ninety minutes at a time?
• How to sync your to-do list with your energy cycles
• Why you’re not needy for requiring this much time to recharge

Look – you didn’t pick your personality. God wired that into you. So you’re not choosing to be a high maintenance mom, or pretending to be someone you’re not to get more perks.

This is you; this is your reality.

You’re introverted, you have kids, and you need those brain breaks to spool down + back up to peak functioning.

So what do you say – is your to-do list looking a little more manageable now?

If so, your days are about to get a whole lot better. And you’ll look at an everything-crossed-off to-do list each night when you go to bed.

You’ve got this!

Routines for introverted moms:

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