Which kind of intentional living is right for you?

2 years ago

Let’s do a little poll here: who prefers full living, and who likes the idea of slow better?

See, there’s this debate going on in the minimalism field. Some people are totally into the simplicity of not having much on their schedule, while others just want the freedom to put what they want on their calendar – however much or little that is.

So which side do you fall on? Keep your answer handy.

What you’ll learn:
• If your life is full to the brim with all sorts of good stuff, it’s still full to the brim.
• Redefine slow. What does slow, easy, or light living mean to you?
• Stop apologizing for the ease. I mean it!

Which vision of life best fits your needs? Is most likely to remind you of your simple living goals?

I’m going to pick “slow,” not full. What about you?

Here’s today’s action step: What do you need to add to or delete from your calendar so that it matches your definition of slow living?

You’ve got this!

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