Scientist suppressed ''safe & effective'' Ivermectin for BigPharma $$$

2 years ago

"One year on, this film (4th March 2022) recalls exactly what happened from the perspective of somebody that experienced it first hand; Dr Tess Lawrie; also featuring contributions from Dr Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik who worked closely with Dr Hill during the same time frame."

A look at how Dr Andrew Hill (UK) undermined his peers' efforts & actively sought to prevent a cheap, safe & effective COVID treatment being made available to the world, acting at the behest of his BigPharma funders.

It is not unfeasible to estimate that this drug could have prevented as many as 80% of all COVID deaths.

The acknowledgement of a safe, effective & readily available treatment would have ended the "pandemic" & the horror of global lockdown, prevented the continued destruction of the world's economy, & negated the need for experimental gene therapies whose deleterious effects have yet to be fully realised.

So we're talking gazillions of dead & injured from this one "lie" by this one "doctor" who prostituted his honour & humanity to BigPharma.

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