(Stoned Ape Theory) Paul Stamets and Joe Rogan

2 years ago

A mycelial spore is impervious to UV light and the vacuum of space ... it can travel through space in an arrested state ... fall to the surface of a hospitable planet, spring into action, break mineral down into soil and direct evolution.

Mycelium is a sentient, terraforming astronautical lifeform that FELL HERE over 3.5 billion years ago.

A rebellious, secondary spirit directs this evolutionary driver ... a spirit FALLEN from it's first estate ... this mighty and wise lifeform's diaspora winds through space like a DRAGON ... it's ancient presence here honored in all persistent "religions".

This ENCHANTER and his TREE (mycelial network) gives "fruit" in the moonlight which allows the consumer to communicate with "familiar" spirits ... the outermost branches of this tree are it's walking, talking two-legged nerve endings ... these children of Satan are the user interface ... the conscious enemies of God ... these, evolved, pre-Adamic men are currently lording over the Earth ... and until the children of Adam become reacquainted with their Adamic identity these imposters will remain our transient masters.

Mirrored from "After Skool" Channel.

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