2 years ago

Still we are being controlled by this Socialist Marxist come Communist New Zealand Government.

Turn the tap on then slowly turn it off, repeat, repeat repeat... predictions, dreictions prediction. Ardern stated we analyse our own data.

Winter months bring the flu, you can actually be infected with the flu anytime of the year.

There are four coronavirus and one is the common cold. You'll probably have more colds in your lifetime than any other illness. Adults catch two to three colds a year, children catch many more.

The more stress, anxiety you are put under, the more your immune system will deplete, and you will become sick. The immune system is like a conductor in an orchestra.

More and more jabs in the arm are to be introduced for every varient the global elite, govts, WHO choose to introduce. Note 2019 prior to the pandemic the UN WHO introduced the UN Global Strategy of Vaccines, leave no-one behind.. everyone, eveywhere at every age . The Decade of Vaccine 2020 - 2030. (Word for word sourced from WHO (UN)
14 our of 17 Global Development goals UN Agenda 2030.. a one script for all A lifetime of vaccines, UN Global Strategy Of Vaccines. Target hesitancy to vaccines. 95% uptake new vaccines.

Wake Up New Zealand this is not going away. The severe controls, restrictions on your life are not going away. As Ardern said in todays speech "This is not the end but the beginning"

Carol Sakey

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