PUBLIC NOTICE to POLICE - Now Targeting Pedophiles

2 years ago

PUBLIC NOTICE to all the men and women contracting as officers and agents of the corporation known as SAPOL.

You are hereby notified that COVID IS AN ONGOING Act of WAR against We the People.

Enforcing the completely fraudulent covid mandated violations of Our People’s Human Rights and Freedoms make you guilty of crimes against your fellow men and women in truth.

The COVID staged pandemic has been a fraudulent act of war against We the People from the beginning. This is a very well planned, well-funded and well marketed psychological warfare operation; Being deliberately orchestrated by those who sit atop the centralised hierarchy of human herd control and management.

Please see info graphic for visual guide to the current criminal power structure that is fraudulently claiming ‘authority’, ‘control’ and ‘jurisdiction’ over Our Human Family, and Our Living Earth. Available at

We are a Human Family, not a ‘human herd’ as the for-profit vaccine manufactures like to falsely claim.

Bill Gates is on the public record in a TED Talk openly stating that he believes our world is overpopulated and depopulation is a necessary evil. He doesn’t see it as evil of course, he sees it as business as usual. He’s very casual and comfortable promoting ‘depopulation’ and letting his audience know “if we do a really great job with new vaccines, health care (how does health care reduce the population I wonder?), and reproductive services (abortion and fertility reduction initiatives) we can reduce the global population by 10-15%” but that’s not going to be enough of a reduction according to Bill. Link to TED Talk, skip to 4-minute mark to hear Bill causally mention new vaccines in relation to population reduction. He goes on to promote nuclear power and geoengineering towards the end of his ‘sales pitch’ type presentation.

This is the same Bill Gates who is known to have been a repeat attendee to Satanic Pedophile Jeffery Epstein’s Pedo Island. Where the rich and powerful have been shown to have gathered to participate in the satanic ritual abuse of children.

Likewise, the current Prime Minister of Australia, Scott Morrison stands accused of a violent sexual assault against a boy, now an adult reporting victim, Adrian Wells Doyle. Who has court documented and physical, medical evidence of this attack. Which remains unresolved to this day.

We also know that there is a list of 28 prominent pedophiles, including a former Prime Minister whose names were suppressed by parliament. Link to video of Senator Bill Heffernan’s closing speech on the Royal Commission into Institutionalised Child Abuse

As well as here in South Australia, which is known worldwide as being a pedophile capitol of the world; Where the Mulligan Inquiry into institutionalised child sexual abuse identified more prominent pedophiles occupying positions of power throughout the systems claiming ‘power and authority’ over our community. The identities of these known child sexual predators where protected and kept hidden by court suppression orders. Why? The Inquiry heard 826 allegations of children being sexually abused, and investigated the deaths of 924 children in state control. Link to news summary

In the case of the list of 28 pedophiles that was presented to, and then covered up by collusion within Australian Parliament, the reason given for the suppression order was, that if the public were to know the truth, we would lose faith in the judiciary. Too late for that. We the people who are awake to the facts of our current satanic pedophile cult-controlled Government, Courts, and systems of ‘human herd control’, have already lost all faith in the existing power structure and chain of command. The hierarchy is corrupt to the core. As is evidenced by the abundance of reporting victims of satanic ritual abuse, and state sanctioned child trafficking.

We can also look to the emails published by Julian Assange via WikiLeaks, which showed both Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager John Podesta communicating casually about satanic rituals such as ‘Spirit Cooking’ and sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch. Further investigation shows us Hillary Clinton also has a living reporting victim, Cathy Obrien, who has publicly exposed her as a pedophile.

Here in Australia, child victim of the VIP pedophile cult at the federal level, Fiona Barnett has gone above and beyond to document, publish and cross reference with substantiating evidence much of her own abuse, and the horrific abuse and murders of other child and adult cult victims she witnessed. Link to Fiona Barnett ‘Candy Girl’ documentary

Here in South Australia, local woman Rachel Vaughan has been doing all in her power to report the crimes of her now deceased, satanic pedophile father and seek justice for his victims. I have had the opportunity to get to know Rachel personally, she is my friend. I have listened to her recorded testimony as submitted to the International Tribunal for Natural Justice and their hearings into human trafficking and child sexual abuse. Link to Rachel’s recorded testimony

I have also met with Rachel and witnessed her give part of her testimony live at a gathering of our people’s common law assembly. Again, at a second gathering of peace and freedom loving people who believe in the sanctity of life and the critical importance of child protection as the core function of a healthy community. My husband and I, and many others within our community know Rachel to be an honest, kind, warm and trustworthy witness to the crimes she has testified to. There is also a wealth of documented, substantiating evidence, including physical medical evidence of her own abuse.

Further to the evidence of the existence and operations of a highly organised, globally networked pedo cult: There has also been an international people’s hearing into crimes of Church and State. Commentated and narrated by Natural Justice advocate Kevin Annett. That has found both The Queen, and The Pope guilty of historical satanic cult related crimes against children.

The evidence to show that ‘the powers that be’ and the institutions that they have been sitting atop of through their human herd control system; The Church, The Banks, The Crown, The State and the Untrustworthy Trust and Corporations they control, are infiltrated with satanic pedophiles. Who collude among themselves at high level private meetings and summits and cult gatherings; In order to further their interests and agendas at the expense, and to the detriment of we ‘their human herd’.

The human herd that these untrustworthy powerful (power-hungry) criminals are now using their completely planned covid staged crisis in order to falsely justify giving themselves and their armed policy enforcers ‘emergency powers’; To use fear and force and threats, intimidation, violence and penalty and loss against completely healthy, innocent, peaceful, free people who simply want to get on with living our natural life.

The use of police to harass, intimidate and fine people in our community for covid nonsense non-compliance, is a wild abuse of community trust.

We who are awake to the facts of our current Satanic State controlled policy are fearful for our lives, fearful for our safety, fearful for our fellow brothers and sisters in our wider community who are still deceived into fearing the dreaded ‘covid’.

COVID, which has never been isolated and actually exists as a set of respiratory illness related symptoms. Any respiratory illness can be labelled ‘covid’ under the current sham science that is being passed off as evidence of the non-existent pandemic.

What is a real and present danger to our community is the experimental genetic modification injections being promoted as the answer to the covid fear. These experimental bio agent injections are already causing death, illness and injury in people who are being deceived into submitting themselves as human guinea pigs. There are no long-term safety studies as these shots have been rushed to market. Netting billions for the big pharmaceutical companies and their very well-paid executives and owners. All while the blindly trusting people assume all the risk. As the criminals posing as our Government have colluded with the for-profit pharmaceutical corporations to waive all product liability. In further corporate collusion, Life Insurance Companies will not cover death by covid jab as it is deemed an experimental medical procedure.
This is a completely criminal attack on our community.

Police need to hold a full and thorough investigation, in collaboration with those of us in our community who are awake to these ongoing war crimes against us. This is a deliberate deployment of an experimental bio agent against our community under completely falsely and deliberately manufactured pretenses.

Right now the criminal covid mandates require police harassing and extorting money from our already stressed and traumatised community, for peaceful non-compliance with the invasive and unnecessary QR scanning and check in fraud.

POLICE participating in this criminal operation against our community ARE ON NOTICE that you as an individual living man or living woman are completely liable for your individual criminal conduct in violating the human rights of your fellow living men and women.

There will be trials as the full truth comes to light, much like the Nuremberg trials for the ‘just doing my job’, ‘just following orders’ criminals who perpetrated the war crimes against their own community back in WW2.

We are right now in the ‘covert’ stage of The Establishments long planned WW3. Covid is psychological warfare, biological warfare and economic warfare.

The Satanic Pedo death cult get off on tricking us into perpetrating these war crimes against ourselves and each other. They use their ‘chain of command’ and their control of corporate policy, Government Legislation and corporate controlled media pushing out non-stop propaganda; And of course, financial control by way of system workers feeling compelled to do what you are ordered to do in order to maintain your pay cheque and keep a roof over your family’s head and keep your family fed. They know how to control and manipulate us all to their benefit and our detriment.

Their next escalation in their war against ‘we the people’ in their efforts to depopulate and improve the (efficiencies) compliance of their remaining slaves, is to order mass forced vaccination for the entire world. Yes, like Pinky and the Brain 😉

They really are drunk on their own sense of invincible power. They see themselves as Gods above men, Kings and Queens, The Ruling Class. While we pawns and the armed police that keep the pawns in line are completely expendable, human cattle, useless eaters to be managed, manipulated, used, abused, lied to and depopulated as ‘they’ deem fit.

I spoke to my friend yesterday, a single woman who lives alone, who knows what the ‘authorities’ have planned with the coming mass forced vaccination drive. Which we know they have already written legislation to authorise police to participate in ‘holding unwilling people down so an injection can be administered by force’ when the State says so. She is living in fear of The State and fear of Police, she does not feel safe in her home. This is State mandated terrorism being perpetrated by Police against our community.

Myself and many of my awake friends do not even feel safe to go get food from the shops for fear of having to deal with confrontation from State threatened shop owners or shop workers ‘just doing their job’, and or being targeted by police for exercising our absolute right to peace and privacy from the violation of the covid tracking and tracing slave training.

The insanity has already gone way too far. The human suffering being caused by this complete satanic pedo cult scam is beyond comprehension truthfully. It is too much. We the People have had enough. We seem to have lost our ability to use common sense and human decency and human instincts. Honest humans do not take orders from pedophiles.

We’re meant to love and look after each other, to listen to, to care for, to respect, to protect and honestly serve each other. What is passing for normal in our community currently is an absolute disgrace. A horror show of good people operating on extremely bad information, under the command of Satanic Cult Criminals.

If we are to have any chance of restoring sanity and trust between police and our wider community, as a police man or a police woman you must make it your urgent priority to honestly educate yourself and your fellow officers about the truth of what’s really going on, and why, and who is behind it?

Those criminals, some your colleagues and senior management and the criminals posing as our government need to be investigated. You have our community support in fact checking the data points outlined in this document. ‘We the People’ authorise the arrests of the traitors holding false office. These known criminals need to be removed for the safety and protection of our community.

Police, now targeting pedophiles.

Anyone blindly following and enforcing criminal orders being issued by criminals exposes you to criminal liability for your actions that cause harm or loss to your fellow man.

The criminals will tell you that you have ‘immunity from prosecution’ for causing harm or loss under their bogus pedo contrived ‘Emergency Powers Acts’ and provisions. That is a lie. You as a living man or living woman are always completely accountable for your actions and the consequences of your actions under Our Creators Lore.

As do we the living men and living women of our community have an absolute right to self-defence. If police or any other individual attempt any forceful assault against our body or our family we have the right and the responsibility to defend our body, our homes and our family sovereignty.

Free will is a Universal Human Right, no ‘authority’, no Government and no Officer has any right to be attempting to force Divinely Created free beings into compliance with dangerous and already proven deadly experimental medical procedures. That would be a crime of the highest order.

We have an absolute Right to Life, and to choose freely without coercion, without fear or force or mind control propaganda, without threat of penalty or loss, what does and does not get injected into our body. Same for each police Man or police Woman, the corporation that you contract to, and the corporations that they get their orders from have absolutely no right to force you to submit to the covid slave submission shot, or any other medical procedure against your free will.

Police are people too. You are human beings first and foremost and you have human rights and human responsibilities to yourselves and to our human family too. When orders you are given conflict with basic human decency and violate another’s human rights, you have a moral and ethical obligation to disobey those orders. As well as question, investigate, identify and remove the source of the criminal orders and the criminals issuing them.

Please stand with us, we the people, and stop the covid crimes against us now.

In truth and peace,

Solange Ellen, on behalf of We the Honestly Informed People of Kaurna and Ngadjuri Nations

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