9/11: The New Pearl Harbor

2 years ago

This is an expansive documentary that summarizes decades of debate about what really happened on 9/11. All the most important issues in the debate are presented in full detail, showing both the positions of both those who reject the fictional narrative, and the positions of those within the criminal, illegitimate federal government who fabricated and support that narrative, which is Mother of All Lies.
Just like the Japanese attack on Perl Harbor, which history has proven was something that FDR knew was going to happen beforehand, which is why he ordered all of those ships to be lined up like sitting ducks next to each other in the harbor, so too did rogue elements of the U.S. government knew that the World Trade Center buildings would be demolished on 9/11.
In fact, rogue elements of the U.S. government planned and executed the event, and focused the mainstream media propaganda response in such a way as to successfully drive our nation into two unjustified wars in the Middle East, during which over 1 million civilians were murdered. That's what we do to countries like Iraq that dare to sell their oil in anything but U.S. Dollars as Saddam Hussein did.
The 9/11 event, and the so-called "anthrax attacks" (also a false flag attack) that followed soon after, paved the way for such unconstitutional legislation as the PATRIOT ACT and the PREP act to be passed unanimously in Congress. These attacks also paved the way for Bush to create a Gestapo-like agency in the U.S. called the Department of Homeland Security, which in many ways, wields more Orwellian surveillance powers over the average American than the Gestapo ever did over citizens in Nazi Germany.

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