Weekend Stock Market Analysis Feb/01/2014 [HD]

2 years ago

The video is long. IF, you just want the specific stocks mentioned then here we go:

- EDZ [51.08], ERY [23.73], FAZ [$23.59], TZA [$18.17] and UUP [$21.83] have daily chart buy point of $52.50, $23.23, $23.91, 18.59 and $21.76.

- DSLV [$54.72] and ZSL [$92.02] have weekly chart buy points of $55.87 and $91.57 respectively.

- PCLN [$1144.89] is a short or needs to be sold IF and WHEN it drops below $1132.68.

- Also keep an eye on recent high flying UNG [$24.18] because a move back below $24 could suggest it continues correcting.

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