Market Analysis + Couple Stock Picks 04/10/2014 [HD]

2 years ago

I was thinking we will get a bounce here... Hmmm... May be I will be wrong... Even with the Dow Jones Down ~200 points @ ~ 16,241 be on the look out for a reversal between now and the end of next week because as per yesterday's close the weekly charts were stating to look very positive.

The odds of making a directional mistake UP or Down here, as far as the broader market is concerned, is very easy.

I mention HLF near $59.55 as a short with a price target of $40 within 3 - 6 months.

I also mention UNG [$26.11] as a buy so long as it holds above $25.51 on it's monthly chart.

Watch DUST [$22.31] should it ever move below $20.88 on the monthly because that will be a very bullish sign for GDX.

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