Charlie Freak LIVE ~ The Takedown of the Cabal's Evil World

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Charlie Freak LIVE ~ The Takedown of the Cabal's Evil World

11:30am PST, 1:30pm CST, 2:30pm EST, 7:30pm UK Time, 8:30pm SAST, 4:30am Sydney Australia, 6:30am Wellington NZ

Colleen and I are LIVE today with yet another amazing Show on a very important subject...The Follow Up to the Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z...which is, the Takedown of the Cabal's System, which has become this "World" that we have been tricked to Live within and obey...

And in many respects, this part of the Storyline, is Far more difficult and dangerous than the Takedown of the Hydra...cutting their Heads off was where all of this needed to begin; however, it is getting rid of their Satanic System, and all of their Evil Minions, that is proving the greater challenge, as the MANY have become Hopelessly HOOKED to a Life Support Machine, comfortably tucked away inside of their Pods, just like in the Movie, The Matrix...

The MANY have become so inured with this System of Sin that they are ACTIVE parts of the Machine, and we need to RAGE AGAINST the Machine, instead of feebly allowing ourselves to become its Source of Energy...the Parasite that is the Heart of this Wicked System has attached itself to both our Bodies and our Brains, therefore, if we simply "shut down" this world we Live in, rapidly changing it to something else (no matter how Divine) could cause the HOST of the Parasite to die...

This Insidious Parasite has latched on to our Spines, along with our Autonomic Nervous System and our Brain when I say to you, that [they] have got us "by the balls", I am Literally not they have a firm grasp upon our Balls, our Hearts, our Throats and our Brains...and the Parasite only allows in that which permits growth (ACID), and repels that which kills it (ALKALINITY)...thus, the entire System that we Live within, which includes, Parenting, Schooling, Entertainment, Government, Health Care, Food, Clothing, Sports, etc, is DESIGNED to create ACIDIC outcomes, both Physically and Metaphysically, via Thought and the Transference of "Information"...and thus, we are the Ouroboros, where what we put in to our Lives, is what we get out of our Lives...SHIT IN = SHIT OUT...GOD IN = DIVINITY is our choice, NOT the Parasite's, which is our Left Brain Ego...

Therefore, it takes this Illusory passage of Time for the Many to become Prepared, both Physically and Mentally, for this Severing of the "Cord" between themselves and the Satanic Parasite...and then, they will need time to recover their own faculties before even being ABEL to re-join us, as functioning members of Man and Wombmankind...

This is the Dark Underbelly of what we have allowed to occur, and virtually NO ONE wants to accept this, let alone try to do something about it...but, we MUST...and there is so much to be Hopeful of, because God Loves a Trier, and to all those who Fight against this Satanic Parasite within them, God will provide them with the Strength to win this fight, just as long as they continue to TRY!

The Movie Clips to be shown tonight are from, Matrix Resurrections, Star Trek: The Original Series, S01E29 Operation Annihilate, and Soylent Green starring Charlton Heston...

You will not want to miss this Powerful presentation, so join us LIVE in the Chat, and be part of this wondrous Creation God has Gifted to us All...

So, Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 73 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of can send a monetary donation to:

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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