2 years ago


Time to start paying attention to America, it is all going on over there and everything that is happening will have a direct impact on us over here in the UK

People have become disheartened and a little frustrated that covid has vanished and that it feels like nothing is going on

If we shut the door on America, it only feels doom and gloom, open the door and you will see how exciting things are getting. We are at the pinnacle of this war now

People have doubted me on my truths for years and yet we are still heading in the same direction and what I used to believe what was going on has now all turned into a knowing! Every lie, every “conspiracy” all links back to where we are right now

The people controlling this world, or “was” controlling this world are involved with every bit of corruption. The worst crimes possible and they are being exposed right at this moment

We are seeing the truth about Hunter Biden and his laptop. On this laptop is some disgusting criminal things and to add to that, when it was first uncovered, the media and government officials denied it all and hid this information so that it would not ruin the presidencial campaign. This shows that they are all in it together

The media knew full well what was on these laptops, we all do. Yet they did not say a peep

The people are going to start connecting ALL of the dots, seeing this evil system for what it is. Crimes against humanity

This is where things get more exciting though and why I encourage people to keep paying attention to what is happening there.

We have NEVER experienced true freedom. Once the house of cards come crashing down and everyone of these corrupt officials get exposed and punished, it leaves us in a world with pure potential!

We will unite and evolve into an advanced civilisation working together like we should have always been doing on an amazing life project allowing us to enjoy this human experience

Good times are here, great times are near, soulful times are forever

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