Schwabian apocalypse: transhumanism, cyborgs, David Cronenberg and Elon Musk

2 years ago

Credit Instagram's @shaynevibes_truth with this video, in which he observes that too many mass-circulation magazines have been published with the story that transhumanism is a panacea or goal or as the cover of The Economist broadcasts, "The Next Frontier". He trashes the idea that it is a "conspiracy theory"... if it's in the open marketplace of ideas it is by definition not a conspiracy, see [0].

The transhumanists want to merge your brain with artificial intelligence (AI). How will this connection take place? As depicted by at least two mass-circulation magazines, their artists conceive a port in the base of your skull. This is not new: the 1999 films "eXistenZ" [1] by David Cronenberg [2] and "The Matrix" [3] by the Wachowski brothers [4] (as they then were) imagined what a hellish future we had in store for us if evil people got into power. Well, this future is here and now with the Schwabian party that pollutes the zeitgeist.

We have to hand it to Shayne: he poses and answers the awkward question over the behaviour of Elon Musk. We agree with Shayne that Musk has veered over to the dark side, probably irreparably. It is kind of ghoulish to see the Neuralink monkey playing pong, see [5] and then [6] with its promise to make of you a "superhuman". Musk is "promoting the agenda of connecting humans with AI which is the number one end goal of the enemies of humanity."

Shayne says, and we support this 100%, that if you connect your mind to the cloud you're not superhuman, you are "inhuman, no longer fully human.. that's called a cyborg." See [7,8].










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