Tactical Protection Review: Police Street Shootout

2 years ago

⚜️A very real incident in the life of a cop, dealing with an attacker on the street where he's brandishing a gun. The cop was responding to the call, where he was informed that there was a drunk man on the street with a firearm, so he already had the context of the situation before reaching there.

Attacker's tactical positioning is the next thing that we take notice of, he's leaning in such a way that we do not see his firearm at the first instance. The body language of the attacker gives us hints that he's hiding something that he doesn't want to reveal, in such a situation, one must only approach the attacker if you're sure, you can take control of him. And after the attacker pulls up the firearm, the officer instantly takes control of the situation and moves away from the attacker, in order to create a distance and counter the attack.

It's important for us to learn from situations like these, movement is one of the most important factors in a gunfight. Another important consideration is communication. If you're ever stuck in a situation like this, communicate with people who can get you to safety or provide help.

Learn the skills to protect yourself and let's make this world a safer place by making good people more dangerous!
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