Episode 1- Wait...Who Created the World?

2 years ago

In our first episode we had no idea that this would be the start of a podcast. Rick Welch and Billy Kimzey met at Giraffe Studio with our sound engineer, Andy Bishop in Hendersonville, NC to record a discussion about what the bible said about who created the world. We didn't have a title (we started with Big Rick N' Billy...oof!), a theme (bible study between different faiths and an athiest), our entire cast (Ralph Hicks and Cherrie Lewis join later) or how this would develop into a light-hearted (sometimes serious), hilarious (most likely not hilarious), discussion about things we read in the bible. So what do you get when you mix an athiest who converted to Christianity who has been a Baptist, Presbyterian, Non-Denominational and enjoyed a Spanish speaking church but didn't know the language but has studied the bible for thirty-five years as a layman, a Baptist their entire life but doesn't know a lot about the bible and an athiest? The beginnings of the Burros of Berea. We hope that you'll come along on our journey and listen and speculate with us as we find out who the bible said actually created the world...and more about ourselves in the process. Enjoy!

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