Russian Weird Playground That Resemble Medieval Torture Devices

2 years ago

A playground made from scrapyard metal may just be the most dangerous in the world.

Located in the Russian city of Tver, just north of the capital Moscow, the play area features a number of bizarre looking structures.
Captured on video, a man demonstrates how to use the swinging and dangling makeshift objects to comic effect.

Suspended from a coil in one section of the playground is a large tyre, which the man climbs inside of and sets about attempting to swing himself around in.

He then moves onto something that appears to be a cross between a chair and a medieval torture device.

Getting into position he swings the seat backwards and is turned upside – he dangles over the metal base below, which appears to be the rim of a wheel.

Later in the clip the man can be seen standing inside what appears to be a large wheel of fortune.
After locking his feet inside of the structure he spins himself around but becomes instantly dislodged and struggles to keep himself from falling down onto his head.

The video concludes with the man dismounting from the structure and heading back to his car.

A number of people have commented on the video, which appeared on YouTube.

Humorously, user SLAPCHOPshamwow wrote: ‘A little tetanus and a few broken bones are good for kids, teaches them character.’

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