Jesus Calling or is it Another Jesus Calling? "Practicing the Presence"

2 years ago

Still very POPULAR book & franchise "Jesus Calling"... Why have they changed and purposely deceiving readers? Money or Spiritual Disciplines?

Warren Smith discusses the wildly popular book "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young. Learn insights into the spirit behind the voice that spoke with author Sarah Young. Are the teachings in the devotions consistent with biblical teachings or are they something else?

Warren Smith a former New Ager probes the phrase " Presence" which occurs over 300 times and the New Age nuances that proliferate this popular teaching. "Smith raises Ten Concerns about the original book God Calling, which entered the Christian world in 2005, and Twenty Concerns about Sarah Young's Jesus Calling, which has more recently taken the evangelical world by storm."

When former New Ager Warren B. Smith read Jesus Calling, he became greatly concerned, finding it troubling to see a number of New Age practices and concepts being presented as completely normal for Christians.

Even more troubling, there were no warnings or disclaimers about what was being Another Jesus Calling Warren Smith introduced. By the end of the book, Jesus Calling and its “Jesus” had subtly, and not so subtly, introduced occult/New Age channeling, spiritual dictation, creative visualization, meditation, divine alchemy, co-creation with God, and practicing the presence like it was everyday Christian fare.

New Age terms and concepts were brought into the messages like they were no big deal. And added to this were indirect references to a pantheistic poet and two classic New Age books, along with a hearty endorsement of God Calling – the channeled book that inspired Sarah Young to try and receive her own personal messages from Jesus.

Additional Supporting Articles with Lots of Links

Another Jesus Exposed

Becoming a Christian Medium

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