亦苗效果不彰? No Idea (part 16): It's hard to know what's going on & why are they withholding information?

2 years ago

⏰ 時間軸Timeline
0:00 開場 Opening
2:20 英國研究亦苗接種數量與重症死亡比率 UK research about age-standardised mortality rate vs vacc!nation status
4:59 亦苗接種數量vs 病例數C0V1D case rate per 100000 individuals by vacc!nated status
7:00 蘇格蘭的亦苗接種數量vs 死亡率percentage of C0V1D deaths by Vacc!nated status in Scotland
10:00 蘇格蘭公共衛生部門將停止發布c0vid數據,因為擔心反亦苗人士亂用
public health Scotland to stop publishing c0vid data due to anti-vax misuse fears
12:55 美國疾病.管制與.預防中心 不公開大量數據 CDC not publishing large amounts of C0V1D data
17:41香港數據 Hong Kong data
18:41 南韓數據 South Korea data
20:42 南非數據 South Africa data

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