Call to Prayer for Alabama's Judge Roy Moore & Donald Trump's True Colors

2 years ago

Donald Trump has, as of this past week, now fully revealed his true colors as just another neo-con war-mongering puppet like Obama and GW Bush, who deceived his supporters and masqueraded as an outsider and populist to get elected. After Trump delivered an insanely war-mongering, boastful speech full of lies, disinformation and neo-con propaganda to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, he then proceeded to travel to Huntsville Alabama on Friday to campaign AGAINST the election to the US Senate of a true Christian constitutionalist statesman and hero, Judge Roy Moore, former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, who refused to submit to the US Supreme Court's mandate to force same-sex marriage in all states, and for which he was removed from office. Instead, Trump spoke at a campaign rally in support of the neo-con establishment's pick for the vacant Senate seat, Luther Strange.

The purpose for this message is to call all who hear it to be in prayer for Judge Roy Moore's election to the U.S. Senate, and for his continued protection thereafter.

This sermon was preached by Pastor Sam Adams on 9-24-2017 at Independence Baptist Church in Ocala, Florida.

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