Striving to Be a Biblical Gentle Mother – with Abbie Halberstadt from “M is for Mama”

2 years ago

Motherhood is hard sometimes, but hard does not equal bad. We are all striving to be the best Mama to our children, but the journey in learning how to be a biblical mother is not always clear, especially in a world that devalues the duties the role brings and indulges the fleshly desires we must turn away from. Join Angie (Mother to nine) and Abbie (Mother to ten) as they discuss a couple of the most challenging aspects of motherhood that they have experienced. A little hint, they talk about some riveting topics such as “Self-Care vs Soul-Care”, How to Find a Titus 2 Mentor and their experiences, as well as the “Gentleness Challenge” Abbie talks about in her book, “M is for Mama.” In case you are wondering, we talk in-depth about the difference between the “Gentle Parenting” movement of today and what God’s Word calls us to as Biblical Women to be gentle mothers because they are NOT the same thing.

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