Orange Crush by REM ~ Orange Hair Man Good

2 years ago

From their 1988 tour de force album, Green, Orange Crush has been labelled, far too easily, as a song about Agent Orange, which was manufactured by MONSATAN and Dow Chemicals and used in the Vietnam War, where REM Lyricist, Michael Stipe's Father served...however, if you know anything about Michael Stipe, is that he is overtly protective of his true lyrical origins, and thus, one has to view this singular narrative about Vietnam with doubt that Michael Stipe wanted to draw attention to the EVIL that Monsatan had and was creating on so many levels, but the song is much MORE than just a tirade against the monstrosity of Agent fact, it is very likely about ANOTHER AGENT ORANGE...that being Donald J. Trump, the Billionaire Builder who was Deep Cover as the "Playboy Real Estate Mogul", hobnobbing with the so-called "Elites" so that he could learn their ways, and who would become the ORANGE HAMMER of Thor, CRUSHING down Justice upon the CaBAAL, and the Evil Corpserations, such as Monsatan and Dow...

Now, for Michael Stipe to possibly have known this, he would have had to be a Deep Cover White Hat AGENT as well, and we do know that he was Best Friends with Actor, Songwriter and Activist, River Phoenix, a Cover name that foreshadowed River's own Destiny, which was to be a Christ-like figure, making movies of conscience, and bringing TRUTH and AWARENESS to a Myriad of Earth-wide catastrophes (along with fellow White Hat, Raul Julia) to audiences of Millions of People...

River Phoenix was tagged for Death by the CaBAAL, thus, he was John Galted by the Q Team, so that he could ARISE once more from the Ashes of the Fire (a la the Phoenix), and be part of the Great Awakening behind the scenes, and then at the forefront after the Takedown of the Cabal...thus, it is VERY possible that both River Phoenix and Michael Stipe were read into all of this by elements of our Loyal Military, and agreed to play these vital, but DANGEROUS roles as Deep White Hat Covers within the Vile world of the CaBAAL...

There is no definitive proof for this, but when you do the work, as I have, to learn, deeply, about the works of both men, you see that within their Songs and Films (Artwork), they stood for the SAME VALUES that Donald J. Trump would come to champion as the 45th President of the United, only time will tell as to how accurate all of this is, but remember, I did NOT "think" about this, and develop this plausibility on my own, rather, this all came to me, shortly after God helped to make it so clear what Michael Stipe's masterpiece, It's the End of the World as we Know it, was clearly alluding to...and also remember, that I am NOT alone in my Decoding of the REM song, Stand, as an anthem for our Level, Stationary well as, my decode of their brilliant song, Man on the Moon (about the Comedic Truth of Andy Kaufman, who was also John Galted), telling us what Andy Kaufman Spoofed to us, that EVERYTHING from the CaBAAL is a LIE...including "Outer Space"...

So, Sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this masterpiece to the glory of God's Creation, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 73 Animals here at our Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of can send a monetary donation to:

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