2 years ago

Why on earth are people censoring themselves, what are they frightened off.

Yes I know its important to be accepted by family, however families are becoming fragmented, destroyed because of the belief that Ardern's truth is the only source of truth. They have been majorily influence by the global, national media (the propaganda machine)

Those we once trusted can no longer be trusted, even some church leaders have become compliant to the Green Religion as they promote UN Agenda 2030, a one script for all, everyone, everywhere at every age, leave no-one behind.

The three P's, controlling People, Planet and Profit (Profit for 1% of the most wealthiest people, global elite in this world)

Eco churches are springing up all over the world as they preach Zero Carbons by 2030. Sacrificing people's human dignity, christianity for the Green Religion, for the so called New Green Deal.

In Jesus name, in God I trust. I will not be compliant or be controlled by false gods. I urge you to live your inner truth not to be influenced by those that worship Arderns demanded one source of truth, she is not God's truth.

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