Why culture makes you feel worthless.

2 years ago


👉 In this video we cover the mindset we are sold through cultural conditioning and the limited models of beauty, manhood and femininity society presents us as value-full, and contrast it with the way Nature operates and how it gives value to all in their own light.


When society presents us these icons of manhood and femininity on pedestals as gods to worship, they are trying to convince us that this is the only version that has any value and everything else is worthless. It pushes us to compete to reach this idealized top and have access to the scarce resources that truly have value. After all, this is why such luxury cars, watches or outfits are so expensive, isn’t it? This whole system and its cultural conditioning is a con designed to make us into consumers by adhering to their prescribed formula in the hopes of accessing the sense of worth they sell us and finally be recognized. But what kind of life makes only one person have everything and everyone else have nothing?

This is not how Nature does it. And as long as we are conditioned by this mindset, you don’t really know ourselves, what we are genuinely attracted to, and what has value for us. If we ever seek to discover true beauty, manhood, or femininity - we have to let go of this and reclaim our inherent natural mindset.

#beauty #appearance #socialconditioning #fashion


Asahd Anaami is a world class teacher, visionary, savvy entrepreneur and seasoned medicine man with 25 years of experience in the yogic and healing arts & sciences. He teaches men from all walks of life to create a life of integrity, aligned with their deepest values, ideals and aspirations, in service of others.


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Thumbnail Image âž› Source Unknown

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