Ukraine: A Deep State Wonderland

2 years ago

Ukraine is a giant playground of corruption for the Deep State and Ukrainian President Zelensky is a leftwing globalist puppet of the Deep State, warns The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind the Deep State amid the ongoing conflict with Russian strongman Putin. Alex shows the connections between the Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs, the political dynasties of the United States, and much more. This episode follows last week's exposing Putin's connections to the Deep State and how he is following the globalist strategy for World Order outlined by Deep State toady Henry Kissinger.

Correction: At around 9:50, Alex incorrectly identifies Rep. Schiff as having been romantically involved with a Communist Chinese spy. It was actually Rep. Swalwell, another Democrat on the intelligence committee, who was caught in the scandal. We regret the error.

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