Outrageous Use of YOUR Tax Dollars

2 years ago

The Biden Administration is trying to isolate and delegitimize the Jewish state of Israel – America’s number one ally in the Middle East.
The U.S. State Department has reportedly created a new funding opportunity to “strengthen accountability and human rights in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza.” In other words, the State Department is going to use your taxpayer dollars to support the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement – a horrific anti-Israel, antisemitic movement.
ACLJ Senior Counsel for Global Affairs and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo detailed in his new article how this funding is an effort to undermine Israel and added what this grant would actually do:
"This is something that the previous Administration . . . would never have done. It basically is an effort to undermine the central thesis of the nation of Israel as the rightful homeland of the Jewish people. So, it is promoting efforts to support the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) which will talk about apartheid, and oppression, and occupation. When we know this is the lone democracy in the Middle East and we know that Arabs, Christians, and Jews live alongside each other inside of Israel. . . . To think that the United States taxpayers should be underwriting efforts to undermine the Israeli government . . . is a 180-degree reversal from where we were four years ago. And it is dangerous for the state of Israel and frankly, to the Abraham Accords, which is such an important thing for the United States of America."
Sec. Pompeo added what it will take to stop this move by the Biden Administration:
"It will take a lot of loud voices and it will take hard work by organizations like the ACLJ who makes the case for why this is so evil, so desperate, and so progressive. It’s absolutely the case that someone is going to have to vote, Members of Congress all across America, will have to vote for this money, these appropriated funds to be spent in this way. They could block it, and they ought to . . . and they ought to stop anybody who President Biden puts forward who is thinking about Israel in this way that undermines the neutrality of the relationship between the United States and Israel and Israel’s right to exist. Those people should not occupy positions of power in the United States government. . . . We should make sure that the United States – the American people – are deeply aware of what is taking place. I am confident that the vast majority of Americans would see that this is not in America’s best interest to head down this progressive Left, anti-Zionist path."
This comes at a time when Russia is negotiating the Iran nuclear deal between the United States and Iran, and the State Department is reportedly considering dropping the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps from the foreign terrorist organizations’ list.

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