Chemtears, Spiritual Songs, Freestyle take 1

3 years ago


Tell me, do you smell the air?
Them chem-trails been flew over there.
Tell me, are you ready to face the end?
Tell me, are you ready to meet Him?
Your Creator, He fashioned you.
In the womb before you were ever knew.
And He made you, what He make you for?
Are you going to waste your life on nothing?
Are you going to waste your days?
Waste them away
Are you going to waste away?
In just a state of decay
Are you going to waste it all?
Are you going to go with the fall?
Are you going to sell it all?
Or are you going to wake up and stand tall?
Be set free, free your mind to see.
Take them blinders off,
And receive your sight and see.
This world and its lust are passing away.
And all these things will burn that day.
There is a new day that we look to.
There is a new earth, that will forever be true.
There will be new heavens in the sky.
God will dry them darkened sky’s.
He will light the light of life for all to see.
Who want to come to the son and be set free.
So tell me what are you going to do?
Just walk away and be an utter full?
You going to give it all up and waste it all for what?
You going to trade it all in, but why?
You going to give it up, a story that’s true?
You could have a mansion in the new Jerusalem for you.
Oh, my father He sent His son x2
When He could see there was none to deliverer.
He sent His own Son and He has delivered, us from the power of sin
He has redeemed us among the sons of men.
He has given you new life, and a new light, to guide us through these darkened nights
until the true light shines in the darkest time.
so can you find Him
because He is always true
because He’s been looking and searching and trying to get a hold of you
and He could be found in Him and He is true
look to the Son, He is the One, to make it new
To that One Son

Spiritual songs freestyle to the Lord.
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