America the Babylon and whore churches will be destroyed

2 years ago

America is Babylon and all the churches in America are nothing more then whores, harlots and wicked people inside who play a church game and then gossip and do it over and over again and keep Ishtar, Christmas, pagan good Friday, palm Sunday, mother day, father day and say Jesus rose!! No not on a pagan holiday!! Jesus died on Wednesday and rose on Saturday!! The early Christians did not celebrate Easter or Christmas or any pagan holidays at all!! The pagan Catholic church made it all ok to celebrate but they are still pagan and God hates Easter!! I detest your feast days and your celebration of the queen of heaven!! America is Babylon and so wicked now that America will be destroyed and on all sides to!! All the whores in these churches will either be dead or taken prisoners by Russia or the Chinese and they will not be nice!!! America is Babylon and will be crushed and destroyed and all the rich people will be poor and homeless! All the fat pastors will be dead or will kill themselves because they will loose everything! All the lukewarm phony church people will have to find God by themselves and no church to go to anymore and no one caring about them!! America will be destroyed and will be no more!! The west coast will get hit with a huge earthquake and those living there will all be dead because no one will survive it!! The east coast will get hit with a huge tsnsumi and those living there will be dead because it will come so very fast and no one will have time to escape!! Russia, China, North Korea and Iran will hit America with missiles and will come on land and kill everyone they see and will take prisoners and will not be nice about it!!! Fallen fallen is Babylon the great!!!

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