Mystery Solved! - The Truth Will Set You Free Part 5

2 years ago

A good mystery is not one you have figured out 15 minutes into the movie, t.v. show, or book. A good mystery is not too simplistic. It's answer is multi-layered and unfolds as the story goes on. It makes our brain do some work – it is deeper and more complex than it first appears. Maybe we even need to get some back story to fully understand. If you like these kind of mysteries, Paul has a great one for us in Ephes. 3:1 - 13. The Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians were fighting over the Gentile Christians not getting circumcised before being accepted into the church. Paul saw that there was a lot more going on than what it appears. He understands there is a heart issue that needs to be resolved. And he resolves it by revealing the mystery that was not known to past generations, but has been made known to Paul and the other Apostles. What was the heart issue and what does it have to do with us? Join us and find out!

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