2 years ago

Big Pharma owns the world. Everything we are dealing with ties back to the Rockefellers. They want us sick so they can keep selling us poison to keep us sick. Just think about the end of all the drug commercials you know the 100 mile per hr. side affect list. They tell us and we keep buying right into their BS. You need a shot for this a pill for this. THEY WANT CUSTOMERS!

Who are the biggest lobbyists? Who do the politicians break every rule for? Why do you think they created the fake plandemic? Hopefully it's becoming obvious to you. So it is absolutely your choice if you get the Vaccine or not even if it kills you. If you can't except the truth what do you expect people to say to you? Believe me I tried I lost friends I lost business. I'm going to say it again this is genocide the elite pedo Satan worshippers are trying to kill us. It's your choice to get the jab or not though. I don't want you mad at me because I'm trying to warn you. All the evidence is out, it's a bioweapon.

If EVERYONE dropped over the first jab they got how many people would have really gotten it? It would have been obvious to the whole world instead the way they have done it is I guess you could say time released that way they can trick more people into getting it. So, yeah I know, but I know a lot of people who got it and they are fine. Are they? I guess we will have to wait and see what I already know.

The hospitals and Doctors are in on it as well. Why? The root of all evil that's why? If you get paid enough you'll turn your head seems pretty obvious to me. The people who have been trying to tell the world get trampled on. They are conspiracy theorists have no idea what they are talking about are closed minded and in my case as I hear almost everyday CRAZY! Well I've learned to except everything that comes with TRUTH. I 'd rather a people call me crazy and lose everything than play the game off just sitting back and watching people poison themselves in hopes that a few might here me screaming and actually pay attention. Watch my Veers report video from 4 or 5 months back. It's all out there ALL OF IT! You just have to look for it and think about it.

The vaccine is affecting peoples brains as well there is no doubt in my mind at this point. I can put evidence that I have collected my self from experts in front of people and it's like they are zombies to what I'm showing them . It's more than the vaccine that's causing that. I've posted many videos proving that point as well.

I don't like losing friends and family but if that's what I have to do to wake people up I'm all in. It's just a matter of time before I lose them to a LIE like what's going on. People are still condemning their children to the scam. People are still selling their children into slavery. These Lunatics are sacrificing, Abusing, eating and Drinking their blood all to appease their GOD not mine. I know what my GOD wants me to do, so to those I lose along the way for what I'm doing.......... Fairwell

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