2 years ago

Churches align themselves with the Green Religion. The Catholic Church and the Green Religion

In the run up to the Paris climate talks, religious leaders such as Pope Francis can push forward debates about climate change.

The Church of England becoming an Eco Church, in New Zealand an Eco Church springs up. Other churches become committed to Zero Carbons by 2030

Children in Britain suffering nightmares, unable to sleep due to the teaching of Climate Alarmism in UK Schools. Mental Health Services officially have named this as a mental health condition called ‘Eco Anxiety’
The term “greenwashing” was coined in the 1980s to describe outrageous corporate environmental claims. Three decades later, the practice has grown vastly more sophisticated

Pope Francis and other religious leaders made a joint appeal to. including changes in tax rules to promote green activity

Religious leaders plead for rapid climate action at COP26 in 2021.
A new Carbon Calculator was launched for churches in New Zealand
The Salvation Army talks about why Zero Carbons are important
COVID19 is awful the article said but Bill Gates states Climate Change could be worse.

20th December 2007 referenced US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works report:- Over 400 prominent scientists disputed man made global warming claims. Some of these scientists were former participants in the UN IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).

These scientists criticized the claims that UN IPCC and former Vice President Al Gore had made. No surprises that Al Gore has become very wealthy from his Inconvenient Truth, and now is a key member of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum that represents wealthy multistakeholder corporations.
Many predictions have been made and never come true, predictions of a new ice age on the horizon, of ice caps disappearing etc., Locked away in the archives of history not to be publically displayed.

Scientists that question, voice criticism are shut down and character assassinated to shut them completely up, ruining their careers.

For the Global Corporate Elite Green becomes Gold.

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