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Reverse transcriptase and MRNA

2 years ago

Genetic alteration of humanity with the (intentional) insertion of spike protein genes in 1/7th the population?
Thank you to Igor.


  • 0/2000
  • Pray for Humanity!

  • Is he saying the children will be sterile from the injection or everyone vaccinated will become sterile?

  • oh Most high! you alone are our stronghold!! JESUS help

  • What a nightmare!

  • Thanks to Dr. Daniel Nagase for continuing to raise awareness about the risks of the jab. He mentions the "leaked" Pfizer Japanese bio-distribution animal study. This study was actually made public in response to a FOIA request from Dr. Byram Bridle and a group of international doctors. As Dr. Bridle and Nagase have mentioned, after 48 hours the lipo nanoparticles (LNP) collected in numerous areas throughout the body, including the liver, spleen, adrenals, ovaries, bone marrow, plasma, testes, heart, kidneys, etc. See page 16 and 17, Table Here are two links to an English translated copy of the study. It doesn't matter if Pfizer also added the same gene editing ingredients as Moderna. The fact that the Pfizer LNP collect in numerous organs and can cross the blood brain barrier will cause enough genetic damage. Also, the adenovirus DNA viral vector Covid jabs (J&J and AstraZeneca) also instruct the body to create the cytotoxic spike protein. They just use a different vehicle, a virus cell carrying the DNA instructions that instruct the body's cells to create the mRNA vs. the actual mRNA instructions. So even though much of the information about the jab risks focuses on Pfizer and Moderna's jabs, the J&J and AstraZeneca are just as dangerous and deadly. https://www.lifesitenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Pfizer-bio-distribution-confidential-document-translated-to-english.pdf https://www.naturalnews.com/files/Pfizer-bio-distribution-confidential-document-translated-to-english.pdf

  • POPULATION CONTROL! They are NO BETTER than Hitler!🤬

  • Thank you for doing this. I just stumbled into your work. https://jasonpowers.substack.com/p/the-labyrinth-connects-new-arpa-h Moderna had Renee Wegrzyn working with them. https://jasonpowers.substack.com/p/moderna-patent-and-fauci-e-mail-from And lastly: https://rumble.com/v1nsar8-the-short-history-of-the-2020s-or-how-to-takeover-the-world-ii.html Receipts. From 15 minutes to 1 hour 40 minutes is a scientific dive and connections to explore.

  • What a clear explanation of what's going on. Someone like you should be a teacher of science and bioethics, dear Dr. Nagase! (Surmising from your family name, at least one of your parents or ancestors is/was Japanese...?) I personally think that science/biotechnology should be taught always with ethics, trying to think and discuss as best we can what effects/outcomes could be possible... Discussing and assessing whether something's good or bad is always a very difficult question, but it's so important... In the video you say you regret that you should have told as many people as possible about reverse transcriptase. The 'expert' you mentioned (I learned from your interview with Dr Jane Ruby that this expert is Dr. M) has expressed the same regret since then...? Given his background and researches, he should have known all these things and still said to you that we don't have to (or should not?) mind it...? Thank you for your clear and sincere speeches, Dr. Nagase. I live in Japan, and almost all people around me are, unfortunately, jabbed (there are still people who get injected, thinking that they should get one while it's 'free'!), and that makes me feel really sad and hopeless...

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  • https://jeffreyprather.locals.com/upost/5002434/fbi-is-dying-they-just-dont-know-it-yet Info on: The Investigator "Trump-Russia Collusion" going to jail for 4 years, + is still in court for other charges. ALSO: GreggReese.substack.com reported a couple of days ago that The Italian Health Minister is charged with murder amongst other charges for hiding the deaths & injuries to the Italian people. ALSO: Robert Malone lost his case against Dr. Peter & Ginger Breggin & Dr. Jane Ruby. Judge Moon considering financial penalties for Malone's frivolous lawfare ... I hope so as those who cannot afford to go to court, are not able to combat lawfare. ALSO: (Foreign Affairs) Petition e-4623 to ExitUN/WHO steadily climbing & now at 58,211 signatures. ALSO: (Democratic Process) e-4701 petition "No Confidence Vote" climbing fast at 322,653 signatures. ALSO: (HEALTH) Petition closed e-4401 NOTE: RESPONCE BY: MINISTER OF HEALTH Mark Holland p.s. Does NOT matter -- changing the penetrated PM & his penetrated cabinet (deck chairs). They were ALL getting rich beyond OUR wildest imaginings, while murdering/maiming us. PRINT IT OUT! ALSO: For any Canadians & Residents AND Dual Citizens PAY ATTENTION & SIGN ... If you know of any Citizens & Residents -- FORWARD! ALSO: BE AWARE: JamesRoguski.substack.com/p/follow-the-damn-rules has the info (European Parliament legal team) that the #EXITtheWHO did NOT follow their OWN CONSTITUTION, SO their vote (MAY 27 2022 FRAUD & OFFICIAL VOTE MAY 28, 2022 DID NOT TAKE PLACE) is NULL & VOID AND continue to conspire in 2023 & to commit fraud in 2024. Global POP need to start paying attention & get some "discernment" preventgenocide2030.org/all-things-un (TELL LAWMAKERS YOU WILL NOT COMPLY!) Shine ON* Katie

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  • Thank you Daniel. know you are loved.