#中海#vlog The sea is low tide, and it will start to cool down tomorrow. Before the cold air

2 years ago

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#中海#vlog The sea is low tide, and it will start to cool down tomorrow. Before the cold air comes, I will increase my knowledge with soy milk. Have you ever seen sea watermelon and wakame that can be mixed with cold dishes? #赶海 #vlog 大海退潮了,明天开始降温了,趁着冷空气还没来,跟着豆浆又涨知识了,有没有见过的海西瓜,还有可以拌凉拌菜的裙带菜 ##中海#vlog #tide, #start #tomorrow. #Before #comes, #increase #knowledge #milk. #watermelon #wakame #mixed #dishes? #中海#vlog
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