WORLDWIDE RALLY FOR FREEDOM LONDON Sat 19 mar 2022 GeorgeGodley*com vlog*com unedited

2 years ago

-Geo Godley intro, digital flyer, nonstop ambulances, disabled vaccidents vax victims everywhere
-Parliament square 4m27 1p.m instead of 12 noon: too late ahole!
-Buckingham Palace 8m53 print 8m05
-was sagst du? 7m12
-disabled ski poles guy: excuse me i hope the vaccine didn’t do that. NO. Did you take it? YEA! (typical hypocritical answer) 10m00
-March protest demonstration 11m30
-Keiko? speakers corner regular, Piers Corbyn pal 16m30
-disabled wheel chair smile protester 18m50
-Not “vaccinated” unvaxxed YELLOW STAR apartheid (“slave, apartheid or ghetto”- dr Vernon Coleman) 15m38
-Hyde Park corner 23m30
-Picadilly street 24m00
-Nick Leicester square dancer 30m30
-Thumbnail 4K vidcap 50m23
-Nigerian guy, Leicester square/ Picadilly circus regular 52m39
-Picadilly circus 53m55
-Remeece Don’t tek di vaccine 57m34
-Oxford street 1h07m35
-HANG EM! Hang the treasonous lot! 1h11m15
-Center point, Tottenham court road 1h11m59
-Charing cross road 1h13m00
-Vaccine widow, covid “vaccine” victim Dr Stephen Wright 1h15m10
-Disabled walking stick man: excuse me i hope the vaccine didn’t harm you 1h17m20
-ca/n/m you hold this one second please 1h21m50
-Leicester square 1h20m56
-digital I.D SLAVERY China social credit surveillance control infrastructure in place: NHS gov test trace tracking system QR codes 1h23m56
-Trafalgar square 1h26m30
– alternative school system to avoid non consensual state indoctrination
-101 Year Old Ron “we need marches for freedom ancestors fought for”


1h54 Yes. Hello, London. [horn blow, cheer] [Pfizer ex Vice president] dr. Mike Yeadon here. I’m so glad to have the chance just to say a few words, I wish I could be with you. It’s great that you’re being together, being seen and heard. My wife and I are in Florida. We’re fighting the same battle that you are to protect our children and our grandchildren, and also to push back on the tyrannical globalists. This virus that’s dominated our lives for two years represents some threat to health only to the people at the very end of their natural lives. Early on in 2020, physicians in New York and Marseille identified safe and effective early treatments, and these have only been built on. Meanwhile, instead of backing off, governments all around the world, also in the UK, forced us apart. They told us lies, and it was designed to induce fear in us. They used censorship to make sure that people couldn’t tell you the truth and they gained control of our daily lives, and then by using things like lockdown, they brought about nothing but destruction. No one was saved. They destroyed society and economic damage. And that, the purpose of that was to lead us into these ghastly vaccines. 1h56m20 I’m ashamed of having worked in an industry that’s being so badly used recently, it’s never ever appropriate to develop a brand new technology medicine to terminate a pandemic. Why? Because it takes far longer to know that you’ve got long term safety than the length of any pandemic. And don’t let them tell you otherwise. That will always be true. It was true this time, and it’ll be true with any next crazy scheme they come up with. So say no, absolutely no to the idea of a new technology vaccine to extinguish any new pandemic. Day by day, though, things seem to be lightening up a little bit. We’re starting to learn officially here in the US, and I hope maybe in the UK some things that we’ve known for ages. What doesn’t work as advertised. Well, you know what doesn’t work? Everything. Everything they told us was a lie. The PCR tests are not suitable for clinical diagnosis, just like Nobel Prize winning, Kary Mullis said. The lockdowns don’t work. There’s even been studies from the Johns Hopkins University. Add should make you laugh but show that lockdowns don’t work. We knew this in 2020. The masks don’t work. They’re literally theater, absolute theater. And then these genetic vaccines, they are dangerous, overtly dangerous and badly performing. But my my favorite lie that they told us is that people with no symptoms can infect other people. Asymptomatic transmission is an absolute flat lie, and it’s been used to terrify people, and it’s worked very well. 1h56 I can still see it working occasionally where I am. I don’t know if you know this, while that was happening in in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland it was also happening in every other major country round the world. At the same time, they were all telling their people the same set of lies and adopting the same set of fear inducing tactics and censorship. That should frighten you, because I think that’s the strongest evidence you could ask for that there was a supernational plan, someone was trying to take over the entire population of the world. If we lose this battle, it will be the last one free humans will ever fight. No one is coming to save us, but we can do it. So even though we’re, you know, reticent Brits, we’ve got to make sure we’re out. Every chance we get associating with each other, talking with each other. We are the people who will rescue ourselves. How do you do that? It is hard. Drop truth bombs as they call it around you. Whatever it is that you’ve understood that’s been lies. Make sure you know that and just drop it into conversation. Also to spread seeds of doubt about the official storyabout around you, about the lies you’ve been told all the time, just keep doing that. I encourage you to do these things because it’s not over yet. It’s not over. I think they will have another run at us later this year or next. So a few things then. Our children and our in our case, our grandchildren, they’re not at risk from this virus at all. No, no ifs or buts. No vulnerables simply not true. Do not let anyone near your children with these vaccines, in my view. No one should take vaccines because we have safe and effective, well understood alternative medicines. So just say no to this stuff. But there are other things on the horizon quite close to you. In our Parliament, we should oppose the tyrannical legislation in what is supposed to be a democracy. Three things. The W.H.O [world hoax disorganization] truthy. It’s bad enough what they’ve done to us, but WHO is trying to put a new treaty in place which if everyone signs up for it would in the time of a new pLandemic, effectively give W.H.O control of the world. I can tell you no one knows what’s the best thing to do in a crisis. And the worst thing you could possibly do is centralize it in the hands of a person that doesn’t know what they’re doing. It’s always best to run dozens of separate experiments and then compare the outcomes. Throw this treaty on the fire where it belongs. 2h00m57 Then there’s the online harms bill. And then finally. I think it’s called the PC CS bill. It’s an omnibus containing just a whole bunch of repressive measures that our MP’s should be embarrassed to be voting through. You know this is wrong, [another vaccindent vax victim ambulance?] it will criminalize what you I hope you’re gonna do today. Noisy protests. Whole point of a democracy is to be able to make some noise, so have a great session. Make your voices heard and you know I’m with you in spirit. You’re fighting most important battle so we ever can fight. Thank you very much. Make some noise for doctor Mike Yeadon! Thank you for speaking up for the children. Just say no to these poison jabs. Thank you dr Mike Yeadon! So that was amazing. Thank you so much, Doctor Mike Yeadon. 1h01m50 So we have a living legend next. He’s been active in a fight since 1968. We had the amazing freedom fighter, Mr Piers Corbyn. Give it up for.. Hello hello hello Absolutely brilliant to be here. And you know your new name. When I said it was last time RESIST DEFY DO NOT COMPLY!. Resist defy Do not comply! OK, that’s warmed you up. It’s fantastic to be here and I wanna thank everybody here and say well done for sticking around to whatever you’ve done in the last two years. Because we have forced back some of their intentions. We know that many restrictions are being lifted. Now we know there would have been more lockdowns but for you. So well done. But the new normal, the new world order, the new world tyranny, they have now completed phase one of their plan, and that is to get millions of people around the world, compliant to their orders, now. They have now got many, many, many people complying to the jab and believing in the jab, and they lifted the restrictions now to make you believe that they’ve been lifted because of the jab that is the biggest lie in history! But we’ve gotta use every opportunity to break their phase 2 [face too] Phase 2 is to roll out the jab to everybody and make you all jab dependent and modify your DNA in a new technocracy. It is totally evil. And we say NO!. They have launched what they call a coalition, epidemic preparedness innovation program. In other words, the 100 day jab program and what do we say we say stop the 100 day jab program, stop the 100 day jab program? Stop the 100 day jab program. & after that they have a plan for a world treaty whereby governments have to comply to some new world pseudo government rulings over your body rights. They want to take away your rights over your body and give them to some International Treaty organization. This is totally evil and must be resisted all the way. And we got here, let’s be clear, how we got here by a simple united front of opposition to all the COVID program and all the measures they were imposing in the name of it, including all attacks on our rights and we have to keep that up and we gonna break all the legs of the new world order. Let’s be clear. They do have 5 legs, the VIRUS CON, the CLIMATE CON, the physical jabbing of your body, the 5G aerials which make you ill and they are there to control you with all those satellites put up by ElonA Musk. And the last thing is the Cashless society which paves the way for identification passporting stuck on your body in your phone, so if you disagree with the new normal, you get switched off. So we have to say we want cash, keep cash, keep cash, keep cash, keep cash, keep cash, keep ca$h. Now. There’s a new thing that’s happened of course. Suddenly the restrictions are lifted the same day the 22nd of the 2nd 2022, we have a war. A war in the Ukraine now is it a fake war or not? Of course George Orwell warned, he said, there will be permanent war, permanent war to distract you and hold you in place. Now that is part of it indeed. But there is actually a real war going on, a real war. 2h06m49 & the Russians are trying to destroy all those bio labs in the Ukraine where theyre trying to make anthrax. All those biolabs must be destroyed. We want no biolabs anywhere in the Ukraine, we need demilitarization of all that area, Not an increase of NATO. We want all those troups out and an end to any of this biolab evil tyranny which are all part of the New World order. Whatever they try and impose, we have to be ready. So I would just end by saying we now have a vital few weeks, we have elections happening in London in the council elections. We can use these to make propaganda and demand the Councils no longer implement all these rules. Let the UK live will be standing along with others. Let the UK live federation. I would say if you’ve got time join in use those elections to make propaganda and action to resist & defy & stop everything. And I will repeat. Thank you very much for all your support and well done. Everybody here has gotta beome a leader in their community to fight back against the new world tyranny. We are just entering phase two. Do not give up and lets say RESIST DEFY DO NOT COMPLY!

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