Wildfire Outside of Holliday, Tx.

2 years ago

Not much usable footage. I had the shutter speed set more for my visibility on the screen in the bright sun, rather than for best footage, because I was trying to verify whether the fire engines waiting at the gate on that property were able to access the easement or the fire some way through that gate. I was with the property owner, who had a few more VFD guys in a truck in his driveway waiting to figure it out. View is to the southeast from just east of Holliday, looking toward Lake Wichita/Lakeside City in the distance.This was very early on, before it really got out of control and all the nearby roads had been shut down. I also wasn't able to stay up long and get closer to the fire, because the wind from the south was so high, the drone couldn't even make forward progress unless it was in sport mode, which quickly depleted and overheated the battery. This wasn't just a normal gusty day. You couldn't keep a hat on your head out there, and I had to mute the audio because all you could hear was loud wind buffeting.

DJI Mavic Pro

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