Singing and Playing as a Solo Singing-Guitarist, Episode 1

2 years ago

Richie Kaye
Singing and Playing as a Solo Singing-Guitarist
Episode 1: Intro and Choice of Key

Once I've chosen a song, I decide how I'm going to deliver it to the audience. That involves a number of considerations: the key, for example.

This is the first of a series for the solo singing guitarist, both professional and hobbyist, who'd like to know how another soloist goes about his work in rehearsal.

In addition to key choice, I'll cover: how I understand and deliver a melody, the considerations regarding the meaning of the song and writer/composer intent, knowing one's own abilities, the different way to play to a live audience as opposed to a studio recording and the equal importance of technical mastery and in-the-moment joyfulness.

I hope you enjoy it!

If you'd like to hear more of Richie, visit to listen to his brand new Space City Funtet album, BLAST-OFF! Just click on the ROCKETSHIP!

Richie Kaye website:

On iTunes:

Whinin' and Complainin': Classic Nashville Out-of-Love Songs

The Last Whoop-dee-doo

Richie Kaye's Music & Mirth

A New York City Subway Christmas

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