Shout Out to Great Canadian Patriots! 🍁

2 years ago

#Canada #freedomconvoy #patriots
A tribute to Canada's Great Canadian patriot heroes!
Here's to all who love and support their country - beautiful Canada! This video tribute salutes those who show courage and exhibit integrity. It's a shout out to amazing Canadians who value truth, freedom, kindness, valour, compassion. They try their best for Canada. This montage showcases individuals who are proud of Canada! They make Canada proud.
"O Canada! Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide, O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee."

Here's to:
The Freedom Convoy
Alexa Lavoie
Canadian Veterans
Dr. Julie Ponesse
Dr. Jordan Peterson
Kyle Kemper
Spencer Fernando
Terry Fox
Anita Krishna
Theo Fleury
Freedom Convoy
John McCrae
L.M. Montgomery
Sir Sanford Fleming
Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill
Randy Hillier
John Turner
Jasraj Singh Hallan
Don Cherry
Drea Humphrey
John G. Diefenabaker
Maxime Bernier
Ellis Ross
Julia Munro
Leslyn Lewis
Melissa Lantsman
Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson
Roman Baber
Candy Sero
Pastor Artur Pawlowski
Patrick Chan
Christine Nesbitt
Mike Weir
Toronto Raptors
Preston Manning
George Brown
Canadian Mounties
Viva Frei
Brian Peckford
Michaela Frey
David Menzies
Denise Batters
Pierre-Esprit Radisson
Derek Sloan
Canadian soldiers
Jamie Salé
Zot & Charlotte
Rocco Galati
Rick Nicholls
Adam Skelly (Adamson Barbecue)
J.A.K.K. Tuesdays Sports Pub (Kelly Hale)
James Coates
Erin Coates
Pastor Henry Hildebrandt
Canadian Truckers
And many m ore...
There are so many Canadian heroes and patriots, we couldn't include all in one compilation, but we tried to include A LOT! Hope you see some of your heroes here.
@ZOT @Pastor Henry Hildebrandt @Ottawalks @Rick Nicholls @Derek Sloan @Dr. Leslyn Lewis @Jordan B Peterson @Kyle Kemper @Viva Frei @Roman Baber @Julie E. Ponesse @Denise Batters @We Are Your Ontario Doctors @GraceLife Church of Edmonton @Spencer Fernando

Credits for clips: Ellis Ross on Aaron Gunn Show, CBC Heritage Moments: John McCrae, L.M. Montgomery and Sir Stanford Fleming, Julia Munro in the Ontario Parliament, "John A. Birth of a Country" (George Brown) - Encore, Preston Manning Documentary - "A Fresh Start for Canadians," Maxime Bernier (on Twitter), John Diefebaker, from documentary "Chief," Jasraj Singh Hallan in Canadian Parliament "Maiden Speech," John Turner Documentary - "John Turner In His Own Words," Derek Sloan (Live Facebook), "Medical Censorship and the Harms of Lockdowns" (Dr. Kulvinder Kaur Gill), We The North, Rebel News (Drea Humphrey, Alexa Lavoie, David Menzies), Canada: A People’s History, Pablimo (drummers at Freedom Convoy), "Freedom convoy Toronto, Trucker convoy to Ottawa, Vaughan Mills, 27 Jan 2022" by Nature Sounds And Songs, “Freedom Convoy 2022 | Trucks leaving Vancouver” by Jon Ross Films, "Hundreds of thousands people cheer for Freedom Convoy of Truckers" by Sami Parvez, Eagle Vision Video Productions Ltd. (drone shots of Ottawa), “FREEDOM CONVOY - OTTAWA | FEBRUARY 5TH 2022” by Zach Ramelan, Canada Day shout outs from the troops - Broll, Veterans remove barriers from Ottawa War Memorial and sing O'Canada Feb.12, 2022 | IrnieracingNews
Marcel Irnie

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