10 minutes Guided Buddhist meditation for beginners for Anxiety, Positive Energy

2 years ago

To begin with: Sit straight with cross leg position (if you feel uncomfortable with cross leg position, you can also sit on the chair but try to keep your back and neck straight).

Now close your eyes and concentrate your mind on the tip of your nostril area and just be aware of your breath. Point to remember is that we don’t have to control the breath but just observe the natural breath as it is.

At the end of 10 minutes of meditation, always generate positive thoughts such as let everybody be healthy, let everybody be peaceful and happy.

Our mind in generating machine and each second either you generate positive, negative or neutral thoughts and it is the law of nature whatever we sow so shall we reap and we get the return after multiplying.

For example, if you plant one seed in the ground, what you get back in return is one full tree with thousands of those seeds. So if you plant peaceful and happy thoughts, so that’s what you get back in your life.
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What is Meditation?
Meditation can be considered a technique, or practice. It usually involves concentrating on an object, such as a flower, a candle, a sound or word, or
the breath. Over time, the number of random thoughts occurring diminishes.

Experiences during meditation probably vary significantly from one individual to another, or at least if different techniques are involved. Relaxation increased awareness, mental focus and clarity, and a sense of peace are the most common by-products of meditation. While much has been written about the benefits of meditation, the best attitude is not to have any expectations when practicing. Having a sense of expectation of (positive) results is likely to create unnecessary strain in the practice.

What generally is considered important in meditation is that one is regular with their meditation -every day and that one makes a reasonable effort, without any strain, to remain with the object of concentration during the practice. With regular practice, one inevitably acquires an increased understanding and proficiency with the particular meditation technique.

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