Revelation Lesson-32: Where Do You Stand? - Part III

2 years ago

Today we are in Lesson-32 in the series “Come Lord Jesus!” from the book of Revelation.
As a reminder, our study of Rev. 14 it’s divided in three lessons. In Part I we discussed “A Great Commitment” from Revelation 14:1-5.
Last time we looked at Part II, “A Great Proclamation”, from Revelation 14:6-13.
Today’s lesson is titled “Where Do You Stand? – Part III” and our focus passage is Revelation 14:14-20.
Please find your way in your Bible to that passage.

It’s time for the great harvest at the end of the age. These verses have an impeding sense of finality, of consummation.
The great wrath of God is ready to be poured out on the inhabitants of the earth. The judgment of the Day of the Lord is about to be finalized.

Time is up. The hour has come.
Let’s get started.

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