“有關新冠疫苗實驗針劑(C_19 vaccine)上666專利”_Dr.Zenlenko:那是野獸印記!是奴役制!

2 years ago

Dr. Zelenko: "This Is the Mark of the Beast野獸印記; It's Enslavement是奴役制"

"They don't have to put you in a gulag or put a bullet in your head anymore. 不用把你關進牢獄或是送你腦袋一顆子彈If they don't like what you say, they just turn off your accounts.如果他們不喜歡你說的話,直接關閉你的銀行帳戶,就可以控制你購買麵包、食物的能力! They just turn off your ability to buy bread... It's a form of control."這是一種“控制形式”~
*此“專利權”,屬於微軟集團(也就是Bill Gates 比爾蓋茲掌管你的所有~)

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