Revival in America? Not Unless Two Things Happen First

2 years ago

For more info about Church registration:

For more info about America, the Babylon:

This sermon was preached on 10/5/15 by Pastor Sam Adams. Bro. Adams was invited on short notice to preach at a tent revival just north of Ocala, Florida, and was asked to give a brief message to include the gospel and a message about America. The “tent revival” was not at all what was expected - it was found to be more of a “let’s all worship America” rally than a revival, sponsored by a local 501c3 state church where we're told the congregation shamefully recites the (socialist) “pledge of allegiance” to the American flag in church every week.

This message was not at all what this crowd of state-church, flag-waiving & flag-wearing, "proud-to-be-an-American-where-at-least-I-know-I’m-free,” blind patriots was expecting or wanted to hear. It was instead what they NEEDED to hear: that America is NOT “God’s people” - that American Christianity is in apostasy, has turned from the true God and from His word, and that THERE WILL BE NO REVIVAL IN AMERICA unless two things happen first: (1) American Christians must throw out their watered-down, perverted, NIV-NASV-ESV-CEV-etc so-called “bibles” and return to the true word of God; and (2) American churches must REPENT of their idolatry of giving the state control over the churches; they must restore the Lord Jesus to His rightful place as the sole head of the church, and must kick Caesar and the IRS out of their church, thereby coming out of the IRS 501c3 cage. Hopefully someone in this crowd was awakened to repentance.

(Note: the recorder was turned on just after a few introductory words about the colonial American founding father, Samuel Adams. Also, for more info on the socialist “pledge of allegiance” please hear our message, “America the Babylon Pt II”)

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