Christ's Appearing and His Kingdom - Part 1: On Earth as it is in Heaven

2 years ago

From the days of Augustine in the fourth century A.D. a false "preterist" view of Bible prophecy has plagued Christianity, producing grossly erroneous views of the Church's mission on earth and of Christ's return and reign. This false view spiritualizes scriptures that should be taken literally, and denies that Christ will reign personally on this earth. "Postmillennial" preterists teach "the Church" is to reign politically in Christ's place, "amillennial" preterists deny the reality of any earthly kingdom, and both camps dangerously misinterpret currently relevant prophecies as having been fulfilled centuries ago, causing many to turn a blind eye to unfolding fulfillment and to foolishly believe Bible prophecy is a "back-burner issue."

This two-part message presents a topical study of Christ's Kingdom; of its present reality here and now, but also of its undeniable future fulfillment in the literal, personal return of Christ to take possession and reign victoriously over the kingdoms of this earth. What must be understood is that God has not and WILL NOT surrender this planet to Satan; and further that the time WILL come when all creation will be freed from the Adamic curse (Rom.
); when "the KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ" (Rev.
), and when "the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as waters cover the sea" (Is. 11:9); when the "saints of the most high" shall "reign on the EARTH" (Dan.
, Rev.
, 20:1-6); and when God's will SHALL be done, on EARTH as it is in heaven. Beyond the dark days of this present age, this planet has a future so bright that it is beyond comprehension!

This sermon was preached by Pastor Sam Adams on 8-22-2010 at Independence Baptist Church in Ocala, Florida. Bible text: Revelation
, Daniel

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