23rd & 24th Day of Russia Ukraine War Latest Updates 18 & 19 March

2 years ago

23rd & 24th Day of Russia Ukraine War. Latest Updates 18 & 19 March.

● Russian shelling of Kyiv continues. The capital city of Kyiv remains under Russian seige. Russian missiles are raining over Kyiv.

● 53 prople killed as a result of Russian shelling in Chernihiv.

● At least 27 prople were killed in Russian artillery strike in Kharkiv.

● More than 20 people were killed and 25 injured due to Russian air strike in Merefa.

● A Russian jet was shot down in Mykolaiv.

● Russian shelling was reported in Ukrainian town of Volnovakha.

● Russian forces strike airport area and aircraft repair plant in Lviv in Western Ukraine.

● According to US officials, more than 1000 Russian missiles have been launched in Ukraine since the beginning of war.

● On 18 March, Ukrainian Defense Ministry stated that Russian forces have made no fresh advances.

● A US citizen James Whitney Hill was killed in Ukraine, according to the US State Department.

● Former California Governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger made an impassioned appeal to the Russian people, asking them to resist their country's disinformation.

● Russian-European Mars mission has been suspended. Moscow regrets the suspension.

● To celebrate anniversary of Crimea re-unification, Russian President Vladimir Putin addressed a huge pro-war gathering on 18 March in Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, praising special operation in Ukraine. "Our guys will shield each other in the battlefield," said Putin.

● In his address, Putin also accused Ukraine of war crimes.

● According to UNHCR, at least 3.2 million Ukrainians have fled the country so far including 2 million in Poland.

● Ukraine evacuated civilians through nine human corridors created with Russian consent on 18 March.

● Baltic nations, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania expel 10 Russian diplomats.

● In a phone call, US-China presidents discussed Ukraine crisis for two hours on 18 March. President Biden hopes China will do more to end the crisis.

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