Century Sentence: A Diary Written to God Accusing Against All of the World

2 years ago

Century Sentence download for free: https://www.centurysentence.com

In this unbelievable book by Xu Xue Chun, he describes how he was called by God to compose and publish articles online.
His opinions and suggestions reverse political tendencies around the world, dispelling evil, terrorism, injustice, and demons, rebuilding a new order.
Most incredibly, everything he writes about comes true, or is about to become true, no matter how inconceivable.
Some of the events that Chun predicted that came to pass include Trump’s election, objections to North Korea, opposition to Islam extremism, and reform of state-owned companies in China.
Called ‘a diary written to God, accusing all of the world,’ Chun’s revelations and predictions are astounding to behold and may actually reveal for the first time, God’s opinions.
Century Sentence 2022 download link:

1. download from Dropbox

2. download from Mega

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