TED NAIMAN 6 | Low T? 1: get on track metabolically; then if still low: go for replacement therapy

2 years ago

presents episode 406 | Dr Ted Naiman
Revero podcast with Dr Shawn Baker

Resistance training: what is optimal for you?
-10 to 20 sets per week, to failure, per body part
-I crank the intensity & frequency up as high as I can
-I cheat a little bit: every single day...
~do full body, super hard set all the way to failure,
~then do: rest pause, reverse pyramid
-it is 3 sets in a row, with pause in between
-full body, daily
-which is: 21 sets, per body part, per week
-to optimize time efficiency, not:
~best way to maximize muscle development
(for that, longer rest, use weights, gym, etc)

Testosterone replacement?
-I have naturally high testosterone, but I have no problem prescribing
testosterone replacement therapy for any age patient
-but the vast majority of my patients have too much:
~abdominal fat
~aromatase activity
~converting their testosterone into estrogen
'Being overfat turns men into women &
women into men'
-number one thing to do: get thinner

The average guy, going to testosterone clinic...
-only has low testosterone because he is over aromatasing it
-when they start injecting it, they are still low testosterone, so
~they are simply getting man boobs and higher estrogen
"You are still going to look like garbage!"
-it won't help you get leaner
-will get slightly more lean mass
-but it will be hidden by fat mass

Instead of first going to testosterone replacement therapy...
-first: optimize your metabolic health
-then, if testosterone is still low, go for testosterone replacement!



Original Youtube: https://youtu.be/yNGYo1C8eQk

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