Donald Trump's Korean and G7 Summits: "Peace For Our Time"??

2 years ago

A brief analysis of the prophetic significance of last week's world events. In September of 1938 British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain wet with Adolf Hitler in Munich, Germany and signed the Munich Agreement, returning to Britain to declare that Britain would have "PEACE FOR OUR TIME." Within a year Chamberlain embarassingly had to eat his words as Hitler invaded Poland and declared war on Britain and France. Trump's highly boasted agreement achieved last week with Korea's Kim Jong Un in Singapore, lavishing praise on the murderous and ruthless dictator on his return, may be more of the same.

This commentary was given by Pastor Sam Adams on 6-17-2018 at Independence Baptist Church in Ocala, Florida. Bible text: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4

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