Welcome to the waters above

2 years ago

Welcome to the Waters Above, Home to Asgard; the 12 Kingdoms - Home of Valhalla, Giants & Odin

Welcome to the home of asgard the only way to access ask guard is over a bridge made of rainbow this bridge can be found in the Throne of the most high.

It appears NASA has always known when this bridge can be found they've always known how to access a scarred and the twelve kingdoms of the Vikings home to Valhalla home to Odin and home to the Giants that will be slayed every night by the Vikings after they mend themselves eating the Flesh of the boar seemed off the bone after they wash it down with a pint of mead the war start again as they exit the 540 doors of Valhalla.

The waters above are not what we thought they were - they are real and they are a consistency of material we would've never thought possible. What you're about to see in this video is something that is sure to blow your mind and expand your thought process of how the world actually works.

The firmament is real and so is the waters above that are separated from the waters below aka dark waters - these are the waters that flow into the bottomless pits of Sheol. This is not a game - you're about to see that the waters above spoke of in the bible are very real and so is the firmament that separates it from the waters below.

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