The Law of Attraction Explained & Refuted (More New AGE Hoax)

2 years ago

Defining the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the principle that we can attract anything we want into our reality if only we align our thoughts, intentions, and emotions with the result we want. When we adjust our inner world with the thoughts and feelings that correspond to our desire, we will manifest this desire in the actual world, because the belief is that the fabric of the universe has an in-built mechanism that bring to us that which is aligned with our dominant thoughts and emotions.

There is a metaphysical mechanism built into the universe that will send people events and experiences that correspond to what is already going on inside of them. The idea is that “like attracts like”, so I am going to attract into my outer world something that mirrors what is going on in my internal world.

So if I want a new partner in my life, all I have to do is position my thoughts and emotions with the result of already having a new partner, and the Universe can’t help but send me a new one. If I want a new house, this law that is built into the universe will ensure I receive a new house if I do things like say positive affirmations, visualize myself in my new house, walk in the feeling of already having a new house, etc.

We literally “attract” things into our reality with our internal states, hence the name The Law of Attraction. If we want a new outer world, we can create through the Law of Attraction this by adjusting our inner world to match the one we want.

New Thought proponent Charles Haanel defined it this way in The Master Key System (1912):

“The law of attraction will certainly and unerringly bring to you the conditions, environment, and experiences in life, corresponding with your habitual, characteristic, predominant mental attitude.”

Video by Steven Bancarz

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