各種抵制俄羅斯No Idea (part 15): All this will destroy confidence in the system and what is Facebook doing?

2 years ago

⏰ 時間軸Timeline
0:00 開場 Opening
0:20 臉書的雙重標準 facebook's double standard
9:28 新聞:在捷克發表支持俄羅斯侵略言論視為刑事犯罪 Czech Republic Reportedly Moves To Criminalize Speech in Favor of Putin or the Russian Invasion
14:45 新聞:俄羅斯禁止向“不友好”國家出口化肥; 中國警告美國不要報復 Russia To Ban Fertilizer Exports To ‘Not Friendly’ Countries; China Warns US Against Retaliation
16:07 新聞:美國啟動“停止俄羅斯黃金法案”,觸發LBMA和COMEX驅逐俄羅斯煉油商 US tees up “Stop Russian Gold Act”, triggering LBMA and COMEX to eject Russian refiners
22:24 新聞:拉夫羅夫說,俄羅斯將以“全面的健康狀況”恢復,並發誓要切斷與西方的聯繫 Russia will recover with a 'full bill of health,' says Lavrov, vowing to cut ties with the West

🔗Australian guy getting kicked out of the tv show:

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#Taiwan #No_Idea #Podcast #沒想法 #Ukraine

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