Secrets of the Cell: Dr Michael Behe (Intelligent Design presentation)

2 years ago

Biochemist Michael Behe explores the complexity in nature and the building blocks of life. Discover an unseen world of genetic coding, impressive integrated systems, gears in insects and astonishing micro-machines inside the cell.
Michael Behe, who has a Ph.D. in biochemistry, admits that he went through all his school years believing that Darwinian evolution explained what we see in biology only because his instructors told him that it did and the academic atmosphere did not allow for any challenge. After he joined the faculty of Lehigh University, he came across a study that offered convincing arguments against Darwinian Theory. Somewhat disturbed for being fooled for so many years, he ran laboratory tests that indicated that Darwin’s hypothesis could not adequately explain the complexity of nature.
He is the best-selling author of 'Darwin’s Black Box', 'The Edge of Evolution', and 'Darwin Devolves'.

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