The Genesis CAD Model - "And the Word was made 3D"

2 years ago

Summary of Topics:

• The Creation Account as a 3D CAD Model
• Was Genesis a Simulation?
• In the Beginning, God Created Heaven and Hell
• The REAL Three Heavens
• Hell is a Parable for the Womb
• Quantum Physics in the Bible
• Is Reincarnation Biblical?
• Two Creation Accounts?
• Adam Created on Third Day
• Adam’s First Wife Was Not Eve!
• Adam and Eve Are Thrown Into the Lake of Fire
• Two Trees, Two Women
• What Was the ‘Forbidden Fruit’?
• What is the Seed of the Serpent?
• Hathor the Sycamore Fig Tree
• Who is Mystery Babylon?
• Vesta and the Eternal Fire

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